- You can configure nano settings with .nanorc file
- Add alias commands to .bash_aliases
- Make some ALIAS. ls --color=auto for ls
- Alias O for ls -latr listing all files in order, newest at bottom.
- SCP files with scp filename username@host:/Where in remote
- ssh-keygen -t RSA -b 4096 Generates ssh keys
- ssh-add starts ssh-agent until computer is shutdown.
- Adding id_rsa.pub file content to authorized_keys in server allows ssh without typing password
- in ~/.ssh create config file without file extension and set ssh configs. Like:
HostName nikiahlskog.com
Identityfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Then you can just use ssh name for example. - RSYNC. It copies only changed files. Very handy! use it like: rsync --progress filename user@server:dir handle -a copies folder content
- Crontab. Using crontab -e is dangerous. Because crontab -r empties whole table and there is no undo. Create folder for cronjobs and create file for example cron.tab add your job to the file for example: 0,30 * * * * echo `date +%Y-%m-%H\ %k:%M:%S` cron job done then add this file to crontab with crontab ~/cronjobs/cron.tab see all your cron jobs with crontab -l to remove cronjobs juse handle -e
This page is a random collection of notes addressed to myself. Nothing here is intended as a guide per say, however i have posted them hoping that it may help someone. Blog about Linux and unix related stuff. Everything in this blog can be copied or edited GNU General Public License (version 2 or newer) http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
tiistai 20. syyskuuta 2016
Learning Linux at University
I had to learn more about Linux at the university and so far I have learned couple of handy things.
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