First we are going to create a new database for your Wordpress to use
1. Select Databases
2. Create new database (name it, I named it wordpress)
3. Click the database you just created below
4. Go to privileges and add new user to the Wordpress database.
5. Select username, password and select HOST to LOCALHOST. Gran all privileges on database wordpress.
Creating database for wordpress with terminal commands:
mysql -u username -p
create database wordpress;
use wordpress;
create user 'wordpress'@'localhost' identified by 'nakki';
grant all privileges on * . * to 'wordpress'@'localhost';
step one open mysql prompt
step two create database named wordpress
step three use our new database
step four create user named wordpress with password nakki
step five give access to selected database
6. Go to and download newest version of Wordpress
7. Unzip the Wordpress somewhere for example Desktop.
tar -xvf latest.tar.gz
8. Open the unzipped folder and locate file wp-config-sample.php, copy it and rename it to wp-config.php
9. Now open the wp-config.php with text editor. Safest way is to use Nano from terminal, it doesn't mess up the text and should work always.
10. Fill all the information and remember to give good passwords. Because I forgot.
11. Now go lower and you find this kind of information:
12. You need to fill in your unique salt keys.Just google Wordpress salt and select first link ( don't know if this link works.
Copy the salt key there.
13. Now save it end exit.
14. Time to move your wordpress project into /var/www rename the folder if you want and move it.
To do this with terminal: sudo mv wordpress /var/www
15. Showtime. Open your browser and type localhost/wordpress if you see wordpress installation to open thats good!
Fill in the information and press install. If everything goes fine This installation was a succes. You can pat yourself on the shoulder and smile.
16. Log in with your account and start blogging!